28 January 2013

Introduction & 1st muse

I've always been an opinion-person. But only about the things I care for. Music happens to be one of them. And I'm willing to share my opinions about this subject with all of the internet. The idea of this blog is as following: 

I love to share music that I like and that's exactly what I'm going to do here.
I will try to weekly post my musical inspiration of the moment or post a list of my all time favourites and other theme-lists. For you to read and listen and maybe be inspirated too! :D
So for you guys this could function as a place to find new music, or to recollect some of your own favourites.

I will start this blog with a song that I've been playing on repeat all week:

♪♫ Happoradio - Hiljaa niin kuin kuolleet*

Happoradio is a Finnish band. You'll notice soon enough that I'm quite a big fan of music from Finland and not the metal-kind. I also think it could use a boost of foreign listeners. December 2012 I ordered Happoradios album 'Jälkiä 2001-2011'. I actually download a lot of music, but when I like a band or an artist, I also want to support them and fill my small physical collection of CDs. At first I didn't listen to the CDs (there's two!) that much, but some time last week I heard this 'hiljaa niin kuin kuolleet' song through shuffle and since then I'm addicted. *Click on the notes to listen to the song on youtube!

So I hope that you, whoever is reading this, will listen to the song and tell me in the comments what you think about it!

See you next time, I'll have some more music!
